PreK » Why Arab PreK?

Why Arab PreK?

Arab Primary School PreK Program

The Arab Primary PreK Program’s belief in Early Childhood Education for four-year-olds is based on the commitment to children in providing a developmentally appropriate education founded on the principles of developing intentional learning experiences for young children.  These experiences involve the social/emotional, physical, and cognitive areas of child development.  We value creating a caring community of learners while promoting partnerships with families and fostering community connections.   We also believe in observing, documenting, and assessing children’s development and learning to enhance each child’s development.  We practice a continuum of ongoing planning to implement engaging daily activities to achieve meaningful enriching moments that are supported by research.

The PreK staff use a scientific research-based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and implemented with attention to the different needs, interests, abilities, learning styles, and developmental levels of the individual children. The curriculum outlines experiences to promote student progress towards the specific benchmarks described in the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education and OSR (Office of School Readiness) First Class Voluntary PreK Programs.


What is Alabama First Class Voluntary Pre-K?

Children who Participate in Pre-K:

  • More likely to be proficient in reading and math than those students who did not attend PreK
  • Academic proficiency was sustainable through middle school years
  • Demonstrate higher readiness for Kindergarten
  • Are less likely to be chronically absent
  • Are less likely to be held back a grade
  • Less likely to require special education services
Read more below:

Why PreK Works

Alabama PreK Data Results


Arab First Class PreK PreRegistration Drawing/Enrollment Guidelines:


  • All children must pre-register for the annual drawing in the ALACEED Portal provided by the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education. The ALACEED portal will not open until January 15th.  The drawing will be held before March 31st.
  • Once pre-registered and to be eligible on the drawing date, each child must have on file in the PreK Directors office at Arab Primary School the following information:
      • A valid birth certificate to verify the child’s age for eligibility in drawing
      • Proof of Residency in Alabama ( acceptable proof of residency is a mortgage or lease agreement or a utility bill with the service address listed
      • A completed Arab City Schools Enrollment Form for additional contact information
  • If all of the above information is not on file and verified, the child’s name may be withheld from the initial drawing but included in a secondary drawing for enrollment or waitlist on the drawing day.
  • A child must toilet independently to attend the Arab Primary PreK Program